Making Icons:Repetition and the Female Image in Japanese Cinema, 1945–1964 好書推薦

好書Making Icons:Repetition and the Female Image in Japanese Cinema, 1945–1964

  • 出版社:香港大學出版社


  • 出版日期:2016/12/16
  • 語言:英文

這本Making Icons:Repetition and the Female Image in Japanese Cinema, 1945–1964人氣蠻不錯的,是本不錯的藝術設計


博客來書店藝術設計Making Icons:Repetition and the Female Image in Japanese Cinema, 1945–1964全書的內容大意

看完心情愉快, 正能量滿滿,真正發揮設計對提昇人類生活文明的界

Making Icons:Repetition and the Female Image in Japanese Cinema, 1945–1964曾在博客來 網路書店造成搶購熱潮。


Making Icons:Repetition and the Female Image in Japanese Cinema, 1945–1964誠意推薦給大家看喔!





One distinctive feature of post-war Japanese cinema is the frequent recurrence of imagistic and narrative tropes and formulaic characterizations in female representations. These repetitions are important, Jennifer Coates asserts, because sentiments and behaviours forbidden during the war and post-war social and political changes were often articulated by or through the female image. Moving across major character types, from mothers to daughters, and schoolteachers to streetwalkers, Making Icons studies the role of the media in shaping the attitudes of the general public. Japanese cinema after the defeat is shown to be an important ground where social experiences were explored, reworked, and eventually accepted or rejected by the audience emotionally invested in these repetitive materials.

An examination of 600 films produced and distributed between 1945 and 1964, as well as numerous Japanese-language sources, forms the basis of this rigorous study. Making Icons draws on an art-historical iconographic analysis to explain how viewers derive meanings from images during this peak period of film production and attendance in Japan.




新股市絕學 2 線型在說話

  • 出版社:香港大學出版社


  • 出版日期:2016/12/16
  • 語言:英文

Making Icons:Repetition and the Female Image in Japanese Cinema, 1945–1964




新股市絕學 2 線型在說話

Making Icons:Repetition and the Female Image in Japanese Cinema, 1945–1964推薦,Making Icons:Repetition and the Female Image in Japanese Cinema, 1945–1964討論Making Icons:Repetition and the Female Image in Japanese Cinema, 1945–1964比較評比,Making Icons:Repetition and the Female Image in Japanese Cinema, 1945–1964開箱文,Making Icons:Repetition and the Female Image in Japanese Cinema, 1945–1964部落客

Making Icons:Repetition and the Female Image in Japanese Cinema, 1945–1964
那裡買,Making Icons:Repetition and the Female Image in Japanese Cinema, 1945–1964價格,Making Icons:Repetition and the Female Image in Japanese Cinema, 1945–1964特賣會,Making Icons:Repetition and the Female Image in Japanese Cinema, 1945–1964評比,Making Icons:Repetition and the Female Image in Japanese Cinema, 1945–1964部落客 推薦

Making Icons:Repetition and the Female Image in Japanese Cinema, 1945–1964


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